
Merkur hops: A versatile hop with a wide range of benefits

Merkur hops are a versatile hop variety that is known for its pleasant aroma and bittering potential. They are a popular choice for brewing a wide range of beer styles, including pale ales, IPAs, and porters. Merkur are also known for their high alpha acid content, which makes them a …

The Reinheitsgebot: Keeping German Beer Pure since 1516!

The Reinheitsgebot, or German Beer Purity Law, is a 500-year-old law that limits the ingredients used in beer production. It is still in effect today, ensuring the quality of German beer. Exploring the Impact of the Reinheitsgebot on German Beer Today The Reinheitsgebot is a many centuries-old law that has …

Experience the unique aroma of Saaz hops – for an exclusive beer and beyond!

Table of Contents The Different Styles of Beer That Benefit from Saaz Hops The Benefits of Using aroma of Saaz Hops in Homebrewing How Saaz Hops Enhance the Flavor and Aroma of Beer Exploring the History and Characteristics of Saaz Hops The Different Styles of Beer That Benefit from Saaz …

Experimenting with Hersbrücker Pure hops and other beer production

Yesterday, it was a great beer brewing afternoon. A lager based on beech smoked barley malt and mainly Hersbrücker Pure hops went into production. While tasting the great ale I made in November also mainly on Hersbrücker Pure, its taste is really based on the purest aroma of hops. The …